
Career Opportunities with the Agri-Food Regulator

The Agri-Food Regulator is looking to recruit a Compliance Inspector at Higher Executive Officer level as part of the Unfair Trading Practices Compliance & Enforcement Unit. Further details on the role are provided in the Competition Booklet below

Closing date for completed applications is 12 noon on Friday February 28th 2025.

Compliance Inspector - Competition Information Booklet (pdf 139Kb) 

An Cigire Comhlíontachta - Leabhrán Eolais maidir le hIomaíocht (pdf 163Kb) 


The Candidate Information booklet below also contains important information which should be read before submitting an application for this role.

Important Candidate Information Booklet (pdf 152Kb) 

Leabhrán Eolas Tábhachtach dIarrthóirí (pdf 154Kb)