• Publication of Strategy Statement 2024 – 2026
  • I am pleased to introduce the first Strategy Statement of An Rialálaí Agraibhia (Agri-Food Regulator), the independent state body tasked with promoting fairness and transparency in the agri-food supply chain.  
  • An Rialálaí Agraibhia was established by the Minster for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Charlie McConalogue T.D. on 13th December 2023 under the Agricultural and Food Supply Chain Act 2023. On that same day, Board members of the Agri-Food Regulator were appointed and held their first meeting.
  • One of the immediate priorities for the Board was the development of a Strategy Statement for the first three-year period which will inform annual work programmes. In conjunction with the CEO, Niamh Lenehan and her staff, the Board set to work on translating the legislative remit of the organisation into this document, our first strategy statement. This statement outlines the key priorities of the Agri-Food Regulator and sets out a framework for its work as the organisation develops and enhances its capacity and structures over time to effectively execute the functions assigned to it under the 2023 Act.
  • The Board and staff of the Agri-Food Regulator are very conscious that the mandate of this new office has significant implications for actors in the agri-food supply chain. It is therefore committed, in particular, to actively communicating in a clear and accessible way the role and functions of the Agri-Food Regulator as it carries out its work. In addition, the building of relationships and effective partnerships with stakeholders is important in order to seize opportunities and overcome any obstacles in realising the vision of a fair and transparent agri-food supply chain.
  • I believe this Strategy Statement sets out a useful roadmap for both the Agri-Food Regulator and stakeholders for the next three years. Along with the Board, Niamh and all staff, I look forward to the journey ahead.
  •   Joe Healy
  •  Chairperson
       June 20th 2024




An Rialálaí Agraibhia (Agri-Food Regulator) is an independent statutory Office established under the Agricultural and Food Supply Chain Act 2023.

The Agri-Food Regulator is concerned with promoting fairness and transparency in the agri-food supply chain. It’s statutory remit and focus is on business-to-business relationships within the supply chain. In exercising this function, the Agri-Food Regulator shall have regard to the circumstances and needs of the agricultural and food sector including, in particular, farming, fishing and small food businesses.

The Agri-Food Regulator is made up of a Board which makes decisions about the Office’s policies and strategic approach to key functions while the Executive Staff implements the agreed policies and workplan.