Price & Market Data Analysis

The work of An Rialálaí Agraibhia (Agri-Food Regulator) is concerned with promoting fairness and transparency in the agri-food supply chain. One of the ways the Regulator will do this is through the provision of information about price and market data relating to the supply chain.

Engagement and collaboration with both buyers and suppliers along the food supply chain in addition to other relevant stakeholders is a central part of this work with the objective of increasing transparency for the benefit of all.

Under the Agricultural and Food Supply Chain Act 2023, the Agri-Food Regulator is required to:

  • collect, analyse and regularly publish reports on price and market data relating to the agricultural and food supply chain, and generally in relation to the agricultural and food sector in the State, and
  • publish regular analysis and reports on contingency issues in regard to the agricultural and food supply chain.

Approach to price & market data analysis Price & market data analysis reports Market data resources Background to market transparency