Agri Food Regulator

Important notice for compliance reporting buyers

If you are a buyer of agri-food products and your annual turnover exceeds €50 million, you are deemed to be a ‘compliance reporting buyer’* under the Agricultural and Food Supply (Unfair Trading) Regulations 2023.

A compliance reporting buyer is required to:

  1.  designate a suitably qualified staff member to act as liaison officer with the Regulator in relation to these Regulations and to confirm the officer’s name, position and contact details to the Regulator by emailing
  2.  submit an annual compliance report to the Regulator not later than 31st March of each year detailing the compliance  reporting buyer’s compliance with these Regulations to cover the period of the previous calendar year (Regulation 7). The first report is due to be submitted to the Regulator by 31st March 2025.

*Under the Agricultural and Food Supply (Unfair Trading) Regulations 2023, “compliance reporting buyer” means any natural or legal person (or group of persons) established in the State, who buys agricultural and food products, and had an annual turnover of more than €50,000,000 in the previous year.